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Daily Discourse Power Points are designed to promote Mathematical Discourse in the classroom.  The Daily Discourse Guide provides an outline as to how Daily Discourse can look in the classroom with suggested questioning strategies and video examples. 


This instructional strategy is meant to be a short (5 – 10 min.), ongoing, daily routine. When Daily Discourse is done on a daily basis it is most effective in helping to build number sense and reasoning.


Why Daily Discourse?

Students will have an opportunity to reason and make sense of a problem (MP1), critique the reasoning of others (MP3) and self-assess to check for understanding.  It is encouraged that problem solving during these discussions happen mentally.  

Teacher note:  with the practice of Daily Discourse the teacher’s facilitation skills and the students’ articulation gets better and better

How does Daily Discourse look in the classroom?

  • Teacher Role: facilitate mathematical discourse

  • Student Role:  apply a strategy to solve the problem in such a way that makes sense to them. 


Daily Discourse (example format)

  • Present a problem

  • Allow quiet think time

  • Students can share answers/ teacher collects answers

    • Whole group or

    • With a partner first “turn and talk”   and then whole group share out

  • Teacher asks if any answers can be eliminated, critique the reasoning of others.

    • Prove or disprove answers

  • Once a final answer is decided allow students to share their strategies and thinking or how they prove the answer


Student Mathematical Discourse in the classroom Grade 5 – focus on student strategies when viewing this clip.  

Teacher facilitator questions to promote the articulation of problem solving

  • How did you think about this problem?

    • What was your first step?

    • How did you think about the numbers?

    • How did you make the problem work for you?

      • Did anyone else think about it this way?

      • Did anyone else think about it differently?

  • I think I heard you say…

    • Record student’s thinking and ask questions in order to clarify     

    • Restate the students thinking if there is a need to elaborate on the student thinking or ask questions about it

  • What did you do next?

  • How do you know?

  • Why did you solve

  • Can you connect your strategy to someone else’s?

  • Ask specific questions about the numbers used or the operations used


Facilitation of Mathematical Discourse – focus on teacher facilitation when viewing this clip








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