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Dana Cartier

Dana Cartier is a former high school and college math teacher. She currently is a national K-12 Math Education Consultant. She brings years of experience creating and delivering professional learning, resources, and coaching from her time as an ISBE Math Content Specialist and Math Specialist. Dana has been a member of the EQuIP Jury, led the Anchor Educator Working Group for High School Tool, was an original member of the Anchor Educator Working Group for the K-8 Mathematics Tool, was a project consultant for Student Achievement Partners, developed and led Louisiana's Teacher Curriculum Review training, and has presented at NCTM, NCSM, and a variety of other conferences. Dana has also participated in Illinois' Rangefinding Review for the IAR. For more information about Dana go to

Sharon Rak

Sharon Rak is a former middle school math teacher from Willow Springs, IL who currently teacher at Roosevelt University.  She does professional development for school districts throughout the state and for the Illinois Principla Association.  She helped develop training of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics for the Illinois State Board of Education ISBE).  She is also a member of the ISBE Common Core Mathematics Resource Project.  Sharon has been a part of the (EQuIP), Educators Evaluating Quality Instructional Products team as well the PARCC State Content Math Item Review team.  Her work is always based on the belief that quality teacher instruction is the most important school-based factor in student achievement!

Patti Davis

Patti Davis is a 32 year veteran in middle school mathematics.  She has worked in several districts across the state of Illinois and currently teaches at East Richland Middle School in Olney.  Patti is a 2015 Golden Apple winner and a recipient of a 2015 NCTM MET Grant.  Under her direction every eighth-grader at East Richland Middle School has the opportunity to fly in an airplane with the Young Eagles flight program.  She enjoys sharing her enthusiam with the Math Energy group from Eastern Illinois University.

Cheryl Beasley

Cheryl Beasley started her teaching career over 13 years ago as a 6h/7th grade Math teacher in a suburban junior high school.  As she instinctively differentiated her instruction and used guided math in her classroom, she realized other teachers began asking her about her methods and successfully began implementing them.  Later she became the K-8 Math Differentiation Specialist, in this position she had the opportunity to provide monthly Professional Development (PD) for teachers K-8.  The love of teaching adult learners became apparent and she moved on to be a Mathematics/Educational Consultant for the Regional Office of Education as well as an adjunct professor.  There she had the ability to collaborate with other Math content specialist state wide.  Currently, she is an independent consultant where districts and organizations seek her out for her expertise. She is collaborating with such organizations as: PARCC, ISBE, ISU, EdTech Leaders Online, Regional Offices of Education and school districts.

Anne Jacobs

Anne Jacobs has been a classroom math teacher for 27 years.  She earned a B.S in secondary math education from Bradley University and an M.S.T in elementary math from U.I.C.  In June 2009, Anne earned her National Board Certification.  In addition to teaching in Illinois public schools, Anne spent two years teaching high school math in the West Indies as a Peace Corps Volunteer.  She also spent one year teaching high school math in Glasgow, Scottland as a Fullbright Exchange Teacher.  Anne has been an active member of ICTM, co-chairing several pre-conferences and presenting yearly at the annual conference.  Anne currently teaches math at the junior high level.  In addition, she is a coach for her school's MathCounts team and is a supervisor for an afterschool Math and Mentoring program that pairs junior high girls with elementary girls.

Lauren Sutkowski

Lauren Sutkowski has been in the IT industry for over 12 years. Her experiences range from software and application development, system development, as well as web development for financial, retail, insurance, branding management industries, small businesses, and now education. She earned her Master degree in Software Engineering from DePaul University and undergrate from The University of Texas at Austin.  

Hook 'em Horns!! 

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